Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Who should be so lucky?

Following the end of Saturday's episode, I can't get Who out of my head; I mean, it may or may not be the end of the Master, but better the devil you know...

And who should be so lucky as to be the next companion for the good Doctor at Christmas time? Word is out: the invitation to come into my world has gone to -


That's Who.

Are you shocked? Will it be love at first sight, or a celebration? Will they step back in time? Never too late to go spinning around the universe,I guess.

And at the end, will the Doctor invite her to please stay, or will she be asking, give me just a little more time? Either way, on a night like this Christmas, it's no secret, there'll be tears on my pillow.

There, I did it again.


Anonymous said...

Do you, by any chance, have as much spare time on your hands as me?
By the way, 'Aleph my heart in San Francisco won' me a book. I did say it was your work! I'll let you read it when I get it!

Marcus Green said...

I look forwards to it! You see, my comments on your site ARE helpful after all!

the_exile said...

Put yourself in my place Marcus, here I am blogging about my life, wife and kids and trying to squeeze in the odd pop-pun and then someone steals my style. Especially for you to do it! I believe in you, so confide in me, can you put your hand on your heart and say you didn't? Why didn't your finer feelings intervene?

Marcus Green said...

Breathe slowly, Martin! Put yourself in my place, and ask (hand on your heart) what kind of fool I'd have to be to pass up this opportunity? But I've got to be certain you forgive me, so what do I have to do to earn that forgiveness?

No. Forget that. I wouldn't change a thing.