Monday, August 27, 2007

Stoking the Embers

I've been meaning to write more about The Furnace week at New Wine Cymru. But in all honesty, it's still eluding me a little.

I think it is because it was a week that took me entirely by surprise, and as a result I am having difficulty in processing it.

I mean, when the expectation and the experience are connected, it is easy to find a suitable place in one's heart or mind or whichever internal filing system is appropriate for the occasion. It can be locked away in the right place. Like Mary, we can ponder it when time permits, and (perhaps less like Mary, but more like normal life) make it a part of us in easily digestible bits.

When the expectation and the experience bear no resemblance, this ain't so easy.

I went to Furnace without high hopes. Some vision, some excitement, but not a lot. The previous year (and every other time I'd had anything to do with Flames of Fire) had sort of innoculated me against it. I was glad some of the church were going; we'd be OK together - I could escape to them. There would be good stuff along the way (with people like Bruce Collins and Kenny Borthwick how could there not?) but I had no idea how my bit would go, or if many would come, or how my team would do, or anything really. Yes, I had low hopes.

And it was amazing.

I was blown away.

Day by day.

There were times of worship where God was powerfully present, and I just needed to dance for joy. Never mind the kids from our youth group standing there, looking. I just needed to dance for joy. I can't remember the last time that was true. I thought I was too old for that sort of thing! I used to dance at Soul Survivor or Delirious gigs, but this year at the Furnace, I was just filled with so much sheer pleasure at being in the Lord's presence, at the freedom of having such music and such songs, and such a chance to let my spirit soar, I had to dance. I tried not to. It didn't work.

I could see young people catching a glimpse of the possibilities of letting Christ in: words and healings and praying and talking and sharing and learning together. And I remembered that I enjoyed working with this age range. There is a yearning in me, because coming here has been about giving this up, and yet I enjoy this work. So much. The choices and the influences and the time to make right decisions. Lives won in these days for Jesus - oh, what a privilege.

Always a privilege. Maybe again, some time. After all, we have our youth group, and a few students, and the thing I am reminded of is that the words spoken here at these times are key words, not to be wasted, with the Lord blessing those who will listen and follow and those who will guide and show the way.

And I met some wonderful people. Gary and the Ignite team. Diana in the cafe. Andy Booth - heart of gold. Tim our sound man, whose efforts become more and more super-human the more I think about it! Lord, bless these people, and give me grace to keep contact with them.

And above all, I am left exhausted by grace. By God's generous gift of that week. And my gratitude in return is feeble and weak, but true. I am grateful to have been there. It was awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, you didn't tell us you were just taking us to 'esacape to us'!! No seriously, the whole experience pushed my boundaries of church and worship, well worthwhile!! Thanks for inviting me!