Saturday, September 01, 2012


So - spoiler alert - I've seen the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who, and I'm going to talk about it: questions, answers, jokes, tears, and lots of class.

First: the surprise. We got to see the new assistant. Or did we? We got to see the new actress. And she was excellent. Her character clearly has something to do with what is to come... though perhaps some timey-wimey thing will rescue Oswin, & somehow I think we will not see a Dalek travelling around the Universe in the TARDIS.

Next: Rory & Amy. I have always enjoyed the Ponds. Rory in particular has grown & grown through his character arc for me. The tender scene as they fought and understood and communicated better than clearly they had done for some time worked its magic well on me. I'm a sucker for a good bit of romance, and in all the humour, action & make-believe of this show, romance matters. The best episodes often carry some kind of fairy-tale element (Matt Smith's first episode; or the Girl in the Fireplace in David Tennant's tenure) and romance is vital in a fairy-tale.

Matt Smith has confidence and class oozing out of him as he eases into this third season. He does a wonderful thing where he carries his youth without it being an issue, and at the same time acts old without it being a caricature. The result - I find him wonderfully ageless. Which is what I want to see in the Doctor. I don't want a callow youth. But actually I don't want to think of "Matt Smith" either - and to be fair that's not my reaction as I watch. I just enjoy watching the Doctor.

And thanks to a great memory swiping ruse, we have the first question now asked, and safely unanswered, in its original context. Daleks, destruction, confusion, inbound attack, and a legend (re-)born. Nice touch!

Doctor who? Can't wait to find out.


Ricky Carvel said...

Loved Oswin, was surprised when the Doctor didn't save the 'human Dalek', but didn't know, until now, reading this, that she's coming back... Very good indeed.

Marcus Green said...

Public service blogging. Because we care. And have read the Daily Telegraph.

Ricky Carvel said...

But, forgot to say, the Oswin-Dalek thing was very reminiscent of the Guy in the movie Source Code...