I've travelled through snow and ice, through traffic beyond belief, to England (which was officially closed - the bridges, both of them were shut) and back, to friends and with the dog all the way, returning home to a burst water pipe and no heating, and tonight at our Midnight Service, Aled spoke of journeys and how travelling together is better.
So I would like to wish all who travel with me a very warm seasonal greeting, and add my concurrence to Aled's thoughts. All of us at times feel that the way is lonely and the road uncertain; but that photo on the previous posting is a picture of intent - we do this together. Christmas is the season when above all others we hear the angels sing God's heart that we do this together - that we are not alone, that he walks the paths of this world with us, and so the snow and the ice and the fear and the closed bridges and unexpectedly long detours are not things we cannot bear.
For there is a Saviour. Someone who makes life safe.
Thanks to those who comment and those who just read, to those who constantly peruse these pages and those who dip in, to those who stop me in Tescos to ask questions and those who email me or phone. I wish you Joy; I wish you glory; I wish you peace. I wish you all that this season foretells and promises and whispers and shouts, and I wish it today.
* * *
A burst pipe and no heating? But a wonderful plumber who was here in no time and sorted it out. The journey is not free from pain, but with help and good company and the right person at the right time, even the pain is not a total disaster. Blessing will shape us if we let it.
Merry Christmas.