And of course I'm disappointed. Doesn't everyone get 150? Einstein got 160; what was so special about him? Wretched internet fraud stuff. They build up your hopes and knock you down. Apparently it's possible to get 200. But I don't see how off the test I took.
There goes my hope of a Nobel Prize. Though they haven't seen what I've done with the Mothers Union: Northern Ireland must have been easy compared to that... (And here I am kind of hoping that members of the MU are not regular readers of this blog or my crazily low IQ rating won't be the only reason for no Nobel Prize!)
Good thing I have a day job and stuff to keep me occupied. Time to fold some notice sheets.
P.S. Before you take this too seriously, the quiz came from Facebook. So I'm reckoning that to be told you are a genius there automatically questions the whole thing. Still, if you need your ego stroking too, click on the link and have a go!
I got this:
"Your IQ is 156"
Just to keep you humble, of course.
No way to get 200 in that test as you suspected. It seems that "Your IQ is Above 160" is the best you could have hoped for, although I suspect that they could have skipped the questions and awarded your IQ on the basis of how long you spent considering their 'special offers' while waiting to see the results.
I won't give them all the personal info. they ask for in that last step, so I must go forever without a graphic verifying for the rest of cyberspace my 200 IQ.
Will you take my word for it?
Well done Ricky, through gritted teeth. But wait till you're my age and see if you still have it then...
Exile and Camilliofan seem to have a variance of opinion on the high score here. I don't doubt for a minute that Exile has genuinely got that "over 160" result, though the rest of humanity might like to see the working. On the other hand, Camillofan's reticence seems strangely out of character...
How lovely to see everyone commenting again. Can't think why this should be the blog entry that got you all back...
Mind you, spurred on by Ricky I tried again.
Give us a break.
OK - no way this could have been faked :-)
How lovely. I bow to your superior intellect. And, of course, youth, which keeps all those brain cells in such good working order.
(Mind you, according to the small print, any use of a smiley face using punctuation is automatic deduction of fifteen points...)
I'm rather dissapointed, 131 seems ever so mediocre... it does however go someway to explaining why I study at Glamorgan.
Welcome Mark! Everyone else, give your regards to Mr Broadway, a student of these parts.
Now, now, just between us, you should go to the estimable Ricky's site to discover why 131 isn't so bad. And he's a genuine academic, the real thing, works in a university and all.
Though having read your blog, I think that certain of your intellectual skills could do with a bit of polish; your revision habits might just need attention...
Oh yes, the vicar sees all, hears all, knows all. Be afraid!
I ventured over to Ricky's blog; I do hope that intellegence is directly linked to liking Marillion.
As for my revion habits, I thought to qualify as a 'habit' I would have to do it regularly.
Someone is going to bless us all one day by putting spellcheck on these comment forms.
As for Marillion & intelligence: the only other person I know who likes Marillion is an old school friend who happens to be head of National Express. My age. Like Ricky (OK, Ricky has a year or two to catch up.) So in them it can be seen as the excusable folly of youth turned to the excess of middle age trying to recapture the past - or at least forget the distance between today and yesterday.
Intelligence doesn't come in to it.
But Mark: what on earth is your excuse? Surely there must be something better out there for a young whipper-snapper like you? Or in addition to coming from Somerset do you already have your pipe, dressing gown & slippers all set & ready to go as well?
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