I've just read one of Andy Booth's blogs about this event, and he is remarking that it is great to meet up with old friends - and to make new. So it is. My team here is amazing - all of them. All of them. And across the conference I am meeting wonderful people - even at the B&B where I am staying.
Hey - I need to pay tribute to Andy. he will be speaking at our Cafe tonight, and if he is coming to this event next year, I want him to be one of our main evening speakers. He is an amazing humble man of God. He leads a church where they have the number of people attending every week that this conference sees in its adult venue, but he quietly allows people to pigeon-hole him as the worship leader, though his experience in speaking, teaching and leading ministry prayer is enormous. I do not have his humility. If I were him, I would find the way he seems not to be consulted on issues on which he is truly qualified almost unbearable. He just fulfills his role here and blesses people. A man of God. Awesome.
Amazing prayer, wonderful worship, great teaching.
No sleep.
God is good!
Having preached this morning on John 17:18-end 'That they may all be one...', it's really nice to b reading so much mutual appreciate and love within the Body!
Sounds like you're all having a great time (without us! That's not fair - but our choice, I suppose!). I hope that continues. But then, I guess it will, because God is good, as I think I've heard you say before!
.........is that Bruce Collins on the far right of the top photo?
That look tells a thousand stories and is utter gold.
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