Friday, October 31, 2008

Lost in Translation

OK, there's a problem with this road sign which Aled and Richard might spot, but probably passes the rest of you by.

You see, here in Wales we do roadsigns bi-lingually. Welsh and English - or English and Welsh, depending where you live and which language is more politically important. But sometimes, there are problems. And this particular sign, put up to stop heavy goods lorries driving down residential streets near an Asda (Walmart) store in Swansea, was checked by an English-speaker. O, they asked for a Welsh translation. By e-mail.

But the email they got back was not a translation.

It said: "I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated." And as it only said it in Welsh, the poor bloke who received his email reply put it up on the road sign...

This is the BBC report about it. Quite glorious. Living in this land has lots of pleasures. This is one of them!

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