Monday, January 26, 2009

Impressive (2)

Oh my. If you have been reading the comments on the previous post, forget Derek's attempts with the golf club - somebody just tried with his Golf. Or rather, his Skoda. The full story is here.

The BBC have video of the rescue services bringing the driver out of the car in the church roof here. Which takes a little of the humour out of it - though when you read the story, recorded in typical BBC-speak, that smile comes back:

Police said the vehicle was travelling at high speed when the collision happened in Limbach-Oberfrohna on Sunday.
The 23-year-old driver missed a bend in the road and drove through a railing before careering up an embankment and flying 35 metres through the air.

Am I missing something, or is that from the script of Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines?

Health warning: this is not to be attempted in Pontypridd under any circumstances.

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