Click here for the BBC webpage about it, and you can listen to Kate's story on that page and hear what she found out.
As well as meeting the group, and listening to us as we recorded our second podcast (now on iTunes - though as of today it's the only one there as we seem to have lost the first one, so don't get too confused!) she interviewed Stewart and Joyce, and then she & Gill Tuck took a recording to John Murphy in his home to get his reaction. He sounds lovely.
A further dimension was added as Chris Berryman (and yes, my spelling is slightly more accurate than the BBC's!) spoke with Kate via Skype to give his view; Chris lives in Orlando, and heard us on the web. It's amazing how far a podcast can go...
So: if you've had a listen, let us know how you think it's going. We are enjoying doing it - when we record we are still a bit "well behaved", but I think soon we'll get the hang of it and then... Goodness only knows what will happen.
And maybe Matt will even emerge from under the table.
Aled Jones advertised PodCaths on his Radio 2 show this morning (Sunday Sep 6th); click here for the show (available for 7 days only I think), and go to nine minutes twelve seconds... but don't blink, he takes about ten seconds over it. Still, a plug is a plug! Diolch yn fawr, Aled.
And the Bible Society included us in their weekly Newswatch (again, that might be a date limited link)!
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