Hat-tip too to Cas Timmis and Simon Davison who share the day - Simon also being the same age as me today. I'm not aware what either of them did yesterday. I had a fairly ordinary day, waiting for a postal delivery and preparing for a quite Sunday - quiet because Esther is speaking this morning so I just have the evening to look at, though the passage is an obscure bit of Revelations...
The day is also the eve of tomorrow, and Rob's funeral. I am looking forwards to seeing friends there, and to celebrating friendship with them. It will be a time to say what matters - and what matters is this: God gives us many gifts, but the most valuable are each other. I am who I am, and for all sorts of reasons am the kind of person who doesn't wear emotions on my sleeve. But were it my funeral tomorrow, I would not want "achievements" mulled over and rehearsed for all to consider; it's the friendships & relationships we are given and which we create that make life so rich. Rob was a rich man. So, as I celebrate this day, and am again touched by so many good wishes, am I.
Happy birthday young man...
Happy birthday old friend...
like the photo!
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