Elijah was taken from Elisha, those who have blessed us on our journey vanish from our sight, but the Son remains, and his hand holds ours for ever.
Another who has blessed us has gone. Ken Hayward, a member of this church all his life, a man who personnified kindness and a gentle unassuming faith and trust in his Lord, is now with his Lord. Brought by his grandmother within weeks of his birth to this church, he missed just last Sunday. I think that really means he was here all his life. He failed four medicals and so didn't even leave during the war years.
For his humour, his gentleness, his helpfulness, his kindness, his whole life and faith there are more people than he knows that are left behind giving thanks for him.
He often spoke of those days before the war when boys who wanted to get into the choir had to sit at the front for six months, waiting their probationary turn. I wonder if he likes the choir where he is now? And if, with voice renewed, he is sitting in the front pews hopefully awaiting selection?
Rest in peace, dear Ken, and rise in glory.
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